samedi 19 février 2022

Africa and digital transformation.

To support the continent's technological and cultural changes, mastering digital transformation is essential for companies and governments alike. Digital transformation is a must for a competitive economy. It is today, in essence, a tool of modernity, performance and globalization.

The digital transformation offers, for once, a great opportunity for African countries to reduce not only the digital divide, but the crucible that separates them from the great powers, among other locomotives of the global economy. Following the classic process of technological evolution is synonymous with maintaining the gap between the powers of "middle-income" countries.

In Africa, the emergence sung must be - in the understanding and in the act - an ingenious model which tends to find solutions and shortcuts structural, technological effective thanks to R&D.

For a rich and under-exploited continent, moreover in search of solutions to boost its economy, create value and resolve the thorny issues of training and youth unemployment, ICTs are proving to be a godsend. We still need to know how to seize the opportunities offered by digital.

Africa, which recorded a growth rate of broadband in Africa between 2015 and 2016, a mobile penetration rate in sub-Saharan Africa of 44% in 2017 against 25% at the start of the decade and a growth in the use of mobile of 344% between 2007 and 2016, understands the stake it seems 58%.

Digital is already causing upheavals that it can paradoxically help to control. The real issue is elsewhere. Because beyond the business and organizational aspects, the real challenge remains that of foresight. Tomorrow, the continent will have to have companies that are owners but also masters of their data, followers of Data Analytics, innovative in the artificial intelligence sector... So many new opportunities but also so many new questions that must be asked for digital sovereignty. tomorrow.

Cheikh Mbacke SENE

Expert in Business Intelligence, Monitoring and Communication

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